There are important tips if you want to start a fitness program. This requires a serious commitment from you - commitment, emotional time and time.
You can not restore within a few days or weeks what may have been lost during years of sedentary living, but you can experience good progress and fitness if you stick with the program. You will need to set your mind so it has to set your mind to it and have the same kind of willpower that the dieter
Needs to be successful.
There is a prize to be won the way. Go for the prize. As you undertake your fitness program, it is important to remember
Fitness is a practice that varies from person to person. It's inside - Age, gender, genetics, personal habits, exercise, and eating practices are affected.
You can not do anything about the first three factors. But it is within your power to make changes in the other three.
Get Examined According to the President's Board on Fitness and Sports, if you are under 35 and in good health, you probably do not need to see a doctor before you start the exercise program.
But if your age is more than 35 and / or inactive for several years, you should consult your doctor, who may recommend a graduated exercise test.
You need to see your doctor first if any of the following conditions apply to you.
high blood pressure
Heart trouble
Family history of early stroke or death of a heart attack
Frequent dizziness episodes
Shortness of breath after light effort
Arthritis or other bone problems
Problems with severe muscles, ligaments or tendons
A known or suspected disease
A strong exercise creates minimal health risks for people in good health or who follow a doctor's advice.
Risks are taken much more by those who are usually inactive and obese. If you are still not sure whether you should visit your doctor before you start a fitness program, the president recommends that the board answer the following questions.
Did the doctor tell you before?
Have a heart problem?
Do you suffer from chest pain?
Do you often feel faint or have fits of severe dizziness?
Did the doctor tell you that you have very high blood pressure?
Did the doctor tell you that you have a problem with bones or joints, such as arthritis, which could or could be exacerbated by exercise?
Are you over the age of 65 or not?
Are you used to exercising?
Do you take prescription medi- cations, such as those that treat high blood pressure?
Is there a good medical reason why?
Should not you start the program exercise?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you should consult your doctor before starting the exercise program.
What will you wear?
Walking in almost any sports goods store, clothes and accessories section will make you dizzy.
From a wide range of fashionable workout clothes, you should select clothes that are comfortable, safe, and suitable for conditions that will be practiced.
If you will be practicing outdoors, do you live in a warm or cool climate? Which chapter is it? What form of exercise will you be undertaking? (Loose clothing can be dangerous to exercise equipment, tight clothes can restrict your movement on basketball or tennis court.)
How long will your workouts last, and how will you exercise it strongly in different weather conditions?
Unless you plan to practice just in the gym, the weather dictates what you wear to practice. There are many important points to consider so that you are comfortable at any temperature and able to get more than one exercise.
In warm weather, you need to let your body breathe until it cools itself through sweating when you exercise.
Otherwise, you risk heat exhaustion or, in extreme cases, a heat stroke.
The lightest cotton clothing is best to wear in warm weather.
Never wear rubber or plastic clothing, because these materials can cause your body heat to riseSignificantly. Hat can keep the sun off your face, and can be soaked in cold water to keep your head cool.
In cold weather, you need to trap your body heat.
Wear layers of cloth, with cotton as the first layer.
Clothes should not be huge, since that would restrict movement. If you get it very warm, you can lay a layer, but be careful not to throw too much, because your sweat may cool down quickly if done.
A light windbreaker worn on top of other layers of clothing can protect you from wind and hail.
To avoid the risk of hypothermia in extreme cold weather, exposed skin should remain at a minimum. Wool hat can also help you keep your body warm.
What To Wear To Exercise Exercise clothes should be loose enough to allow freedom of movement
It must make you feel immune and confident of itself. Comfortable clothes should not bind or restrict movement.
Alternative aerobic activities with anaerobic activities
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