In order to get a strong and large back muscle, first, you need to understand it is the muscular anatomy in order to be aware and knowledgeable of the technique and mechanism to properly operate each part of the back muscle and identify weaknesses in it and how to target it.
Muscular anatomy of the back muscle: - The back muscle consists of 6 parts.
1. Part One: - Upper Trapeze
The upper bolt extends to the sides of the neck towards the back shoulder, which is very important to give the pyramidal shape below the neck. Examples of exercises for this part are:
Dumbbell Shrug Shoulders Lift Exercise.
Barbell shrug.
2. Part Two: - Middle Lower Trapezius.
The middle and lower bolt muscle is located below the upper bolt in the middle of the upper back between the muscular muscles and is triangular in shape
This muscle is very important to give a full appearance in the mid-back region as it fills the space between the muscles of the sniper and can focus on the muscle by lifting weights in a vertical or lateral manner with Bearing in mind that your back is tilted, and bearing in mind that your elbow is ahead of your shoulder so that the load is on the mid-noon area, not the shoulder.
Examples include its exercises: -
Dumbbell side lifting crane: - T Raise
Dumbbell head lift exercise: - Incline Y Raises
3. Part III: - Rotator Kor Rotator Cuff: - Rotator Cuff
It is in the region of the upper back, on the upper side, on the back, which is a group on each side, and it is found specifically next to the bone of the scapula, and it consists of three muscles
1. Teres Major 2. Infraspinatus 3. Teres Minor
It is a muscle that is very attached to the posterior shoulder, so you will find that most exercises of this muscle are similar to the exercises of the posterior shoulder and this muscle is very important because it is responsible for increasing the width of the upper back, as it is an extension of the stapled muscle and is important for obtaining a V-shape. Examples of exercises: -
Kneeling Cable Pull
Backfill exercise on Machine Pear Deltoid Fly
4. Fourth Part: - Rhomboid Muscle or Muscle-specific shape: - Rhomboid Muscle.
It is an unknown muscle as most of the trainees are ignorant of it in the secrets of the huge back. This muscle is located under the middle and lower bolts. It is an internal muscle that you cannot see with your eyes simply because this muscle is very important to increase the density and thickness of the upper back region, especially the mid-noon area and you can focus on this muscle from The way of exercises in which you make a squeeze or squeeze in the mid-back area, meaning that you must feel the exercise in the mid-back area. Who do you practice: -
High clouds exercise a tight grip, with a squeeze in the mid-noon area. Close Grip Lat Pull Down Cable Bar exercise on the ground drawing device. Back Squeeze Cable Seated.
5. The fifth part: - Al-Majlis: - Lats
It is made up of two muscles, a muscle on each side, and it is located in the mid-back region. Each muscle extends from the middle of the lower part of the shoulder blade bone in the shape of a triangle to the middle of the lower back. It is the largest muscle in the back muscles. It consists of 6 to 7 muscle fibers, which is the main muscle. Responsible for the back width Among her exercises: -
Lat Pull Down exercise
Lying Overhead Dumbbell
One Arm Cable Rows Pullout Exercise
Cable stretching exercise on the cable device
Dumbbell individual exercises in the curvature of a bench.
6. Part VI: - Cotton: - Erectile of the Spine
It is a muscle that represents the shape of the geometrical rhombus and is located around the vertebral column in the lower back region. From a theoretical point of view, it is the most important muscle in the back muscle because it is the basis that holds the entire back.
Back Extensions
Stiff-Legged Deadlift
Anonymous delegate exercise is a complex exercise that targets most of the body muscles.
After knowing the muscular anatomy of the entire back muscle, with the idea of exercises that target every part of the back. Of course, there are other exercises that target most areas of the back almost equally, meaning that the following exercises target the same parts of the previous ones, such as
Seated Rows
Dumbbell saw exercise, Back Lat Pull Down
T Bar Rows With Abdominal Support
Free Standing Bar Rows
R Bent Rows Bar Exercise, whether it is a wide drawing, a narrow pull, a reverse pull, or a pull on the neck
With your back muscle keys, you can create a training schedule that targets every part of the back muscle, and you can focus on weaknesses with complete professionalism.
Known: - The two largest muscles in the back are bolts and the gnat because they represent 70% of the back area and also focus on the small muscles.
This video shows how to train the back muscle
This video shows how to train the back muscle
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